kyma•tweaky . How . Realtime Wavetable

Question (or Task)

Hi. I am trying to create a "lo-fi" wavetable synthesizer whose table has 32 samples of amplitude, all of which can be individually controlled in real time. My initial goal is somewhat akin to this VST plug-in: (without the right-hand nonesuch).

My first unsuccessful attempt took a "Pulse Train", and ran it into a "Constant" with:

((Pulsetrain) countTriggers) Mod 31) of: #(!Sample1 !Sample2 !Sample3 .... !Sample32)

But this doesn't work. I believe because the "Constant" can't output at the audio rate (reading this question here:

Any alternate solutions? Of course I can create these wavetables using the Sample Editor, but I want to be able to use "Interpolate Presets" to move through different slider settings of wavetables.





-- SimonHutchinson - 24 Dec 2014

Question: How do I create a wavetable whose values I can alter in real time?
Keywords: wavetable, realtime.

----- Revision r1.1 - 26 Dec 2014 - 18:48 GMT - SimonHutchinson
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